My Daughter Is So Talented
>> Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My daughter sings. She can sing 'most anything (more so now that she's admitted to being a soprano), but, as an aggravation, she frequently chooses to sing songs I just don't like for those solos she does for choir.
And yet, time and time again, I hear her sing it on stage and I can't HELP but like it, even though I never liked the song. She's that damn good. Even here with the crappy sound, you can still tell she's terrific.
Oh, yeah. I'm proud.
You should be proud… she is great.
Very fun and cool-sounding without trying too hard. Love the song choice; takes me waaaay back to my youth but her version is much more hip. Mike H.
She is good.
We parents love to extol our kids. But you and I are actually right.
I think she's really good. Normally I'm not into proud parents and their "talented" youngsters because they usually suck, but this young lady is a professional - she honestly sings the song as well as Melanie (its author) did. No lie. You need to start letting people listen to her who produce music, if you aren't already doing that. I'm wowwed.
It's not just the mother in you that says she's good, she simply is. She's great!
I won't argue with any of you. I think she's fantastic, too.
I think, that next year, I have no idea what song I am going to do. Let alone the type. Sigh.