RS Classic: Uber Cool Nerd God

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

In 2009 I discovered something that will surprise probably none of you. . . says I'm an Uber Cool Nerd God. Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum! So, it’s official. I’m an “Uber Cool Nerd God” according to the “Nerd Test .” For those of you saying, “Well, duh, you’re a nerd,” hey, I’m not saying it’s a surprise. Though it is gratifying to be a nerd GOD. Anything worth doing is worth over doing.

Now, as we know, it’s Thieving Thursday [well, it was] and that’s cool because I saw this test on Kirsten’s Soccer Mom Files blog . I wasn’t among the elite few invited to take the test but I figured this was one that was right up my alley. And it was.

The surprise, though, was that I was also “Uber Cool.” Now, I was always of the impression that nerd and cool were mutually exclusive. Did something change when I wasn’t looking? Something happen since I was in high school and was so far from cool that I was effectively Mt. Vesuvius? It should be noted that, though a beautiful girl (though I didn’t know it at the time), I was also a boy/man repellent of surpassing talent. Usually, it only took 30 seconds.

Him: So what’s your major?
Me: Engineering Physics
Him: Well, gotta go.

Anyway, now that my beautiful girl days are long behind me and I know longer hang with any people that actually see my face, I went and got Uber Cool. Talk about a waste. Still, I’m oddly gratified.

For the record, my husband (who can’t walk through a mall without being followed by wistful young girls and has many fawning minions on his chat server) was a “Dorky High Nerd” while my daughter, who is gorgeous and young and hangs with the angsty crowd was actually a “Highly Dorky Nerd Queen.” I don’t think being dorky bothered my husband nearly as much as not being as nerdy as he wanted to be.

I went and found the “original Nerd Test ,” too, but I’m still up there in nerdiness. It’s *gasp* not a fluke!

I am nerdier than 94% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!

The next blog , Kirsten challenged me to take the “Sanity Test .” You’ll be unsurprised to note that I’m apparently “Kinda Insane.” [Note that the linking was lost some time between then and now. Links to the tests are in the text.]

Yeah, I thought so.

So, you willing to take the challenge?


  • Darrell B. Nelson

    I'm just a Nerd God
    For Science/Math:
    2% scored higher,
    0% scored the same, and
    98% scored lower.

    For Computers/Technology:
    3% scored higher,
    1% scored the same, and
    96% scored lower.

    For Sci-Fi/Comic:
    8% scored higher,
    2% scored the same, and
    90% scored lower.

    For History/Literature:
    1% scored higher,
    0% scored the same, and
    99% scored lower.

    For Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness:
    48% scored higher,
    14% scored the same, and
    38% scored lower.

  • The Mother

    Cool Nerd God. I scored top levels on math/sci and history, but you got me on the computers and the social stuff.

  • Jeff King

    I got:
    "From this time forward, you'll hold the title:

    Carry it proudly!"

  • Aron Sora

    I got pwned

    I'm a kinda dorky nerd king

    For Science/Math:

    2% scored higher,
    0% scored the same, and
    98% scored lower.
    For Computers/Technology:

    10% scored higher,
    2% scored the same, and
    88% scored lower.

    For Sci-Fi/Comic:

    32% scored higher,
    4% scored the same, and
    64% scored lower.

    For History/Literature:

    42% scored higher,
    5% scored the same, and
    53% scored lower.

    For Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness:

    36% scored higher,
    12% scored the same, and
    52% scored lower.

    Wait till the see my Zergling rush...then they will have to change their minds...mwhahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa *cough* *Cough*

  • Aron Sora

    I'm also 41% insane

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