Guest post
>> Monday, August 10, 2009
Today, you all get a treat, a guest blogger, namely my daughter, Roxy (age 17 months).
OK, baby, it's all yours.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgggGHYBJIHBJHNgggr4u8 hggfuy4ef`11oio6hhiuuhjuh5hghhh4uuuuvhh6dahj562UAAAAn
HHGUYFGIUGIII MJUHVCj;lsdjfo;piaelkngo;aidfug;laj;gupwoe;llkdllklssssiiiiiiokkmfliunm
lauojokjdfipa;letuiua;ldf;8'm loo ibpiojkp pokpokdfg'asdkfj;
I would have let her put on more(technically she did) but it's quite challenging to let a baby type on a netbook keyboard without also letting her push function keys that kick her out of here or, hey, publishes it before I can explain. Isn't she brilliant?
Well said.
She's something, isn't she?
ha ha!! This definitely brought a smile to my face.
Hmmm... I dunno, Roxie. I think lauojokjdfipa;letuiua;ldf;8'm is a little iffy.
Heh, heh! Yeah, I guess covering the function keys was probably a smart idea.
Guess she will be having her own blog very soon.
Trust you will keep it someplace special so she can read it (and maybe translate) when she is a little bit older.
Did love seeing that smiling face!
Sometimes, I mix things up with a little intellectual exercise.
very sweet and very, very brilliant.
She'll be ready for her own blog any day.
Wow, for a 17 months old girl she sure can write a lot :D
She's so sweet!
She's adorable and I understood every word :)
She's an absolute dolly! However, just a heads-up; "lauojokjdfipa;letuiua;ldf;8'm loo ibpiojkp pokpokdfg'asdkfj;
kj'al;sdkuflkj," loosely translated, means that she's after your job. ;^)
That's very cute. I think she will be a tough competition for you very soon...!
Lol, hey she does better at writing then, me, I, or whatever.