"Up"s and Downs - Updated

>> Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A great many blogs have been talking about Up. Well, who can blame them? It was wonderful. I have all the Pixar movies on DVD (that are available, so all but Up) and they are consistently my silent son's favorites. Or all but the last two.

But I'm not going to write a review. There are dozens out there and most say the movie is excellent. I agree that it was . (And I will not hint at anything more except to say, if you're the sentimental type, bring napkins or tissues). I loved it. Another winner.

I went with my husband and daughter (she'll be gone for three weeks starting Thursday with her dad) and we saw it in 3-D. You pay a premium, but, hey, I figured it was worth it. I checked on-line and they made a point of the fact that the short "Partly Cloudy" was included in the 106 minute playing time for the 3-D feature.

Except the didn't play the short, just the movie. Now, any Pixar officionado, as I am, knows the shorts are the icing on the cake. The sci-fi gem in front of Ratatouille was fantastic and "Presto," in front of WALL-E is worth watching every time you see the movie.

So, I was not thrilled to miss the short. When I asked the usher if, perhaps it was coming after the movie, he told me that they didn't the right setup on the 3-D theater to play the short. I also spoke to the manager, letting him know the website was misleading and that I was disappointed. I sent Cinemark an e-mail as well.

Truth is, while 3-D is important under certain circumstances, I didn't think it really made a huge difference with Up. I wouldn much rather have seen the short (as well as saving myself the premium paid to see 3-D films) and seen it in 2-D. For those who have not yet gone and who find the short a special part of the Pixar experience, take caution with 3-D. It might be worth your while to double check with the theater before going for the 3-D experience.

Update: My local theater has corrected the problem and is now playing the Pixar short. If you miss out, don't hesitate to complain. Clearly it should be played.


  • The Mother

    When movies like this come out, I regret that I no longer have one young enough to use as an excuse to see the movie.

    But when those horrid kids' movies (Pokemon 400?) come out, I am eternally grateful that I no longer have one young enough to be forced to go.

    You can't have it all.

  • Stephanie Barr

    Don't let that stop you, Mother. I think kids would enjoy this, but I think it's more an adult's movie than a kid's movie. We only brought the teenager with us and she liked it.

  • flit

    it's way more fun to see them without the kidlets anyway!

    Your comment reminded me of when my kids were young... we used to go see Sharon Lois & Bram every year...and the group of grownups that would go with us just kept getting bigger and bigger

  • Unknown

    What? Pixar flicks are meant for kids? My wife and I would have to respectfully disagree. For we don't have any children to watch them with, and we still look forward to each release. Of course, I suppose some would say that we just haven't grown up yet, and probably never will.

    I am perfect agreement with you about the shorts, however. For I enjoyed the short before "Ice Age" about the prehistoric squirrel just trying to get a nut even more than the movie itself.

  • Stephanie Barr

    I don't know that they are, FishHawk. My son doesn't love WALL-E but my husband and I do and we went to see it just the two of us.

    There are many different levels to Pixar films, in my opinion, that gives them appeal to many different ages.

  • The Mother

    Yeah, but if you can't get your oh-so-macho teenage sons to go with you, you're left with the embarrassment factor of slipping into the back unnoticed, alone, and childless.

    Oh, well, if I go alone, at least I can afford popcorn.

  • Bob Johnson

    We saw the preview of it when we went to Star Trek, we all thought it was cool, had no idea it was in 3D though

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