Repost: And More of our African American Astronauts
>> Thursday, February 12, 2015
Reposted from my Today blog in 2009:
For those of you who were surprised how many African
American astronauts there were, let me tell you, you didn’t know the
half of it because I have eight more to tell you about. If someone ever
tells you black people can’t do the math or the science or handle
complex concepts (as if Obama isn’t sufficient evidence to the
contrary), take a good look at some of the talent NASA has been proud to
accept into one of the most difficult and most elite technical jobs
there are.
As I mentioned on the comments on yesterday’s blog,
most astronauts have multiple degrees, even multiple PhD’s. Some are
medical doctors, most are pilots (some are both). And our astronaut
corps is wonderfully diverse.
So, without more ado:
Bernard Anthony Harris, Jr. set another first for African Americans in space. A flight surgeon and a
clinical scientist, he worked on research for the effects of low gravity on people and countermeasures for it. He was selected for the astronaut corps in 1990 and flight as a mission specialist on STS-55 in 1991 and flew again on STS-63 in 1995 where he was the first African American to go on a spacewalk (but not the last!). Harris retired from the astronaut core in 1996.

Joan Elizabeth Higgenbotham has multiple degrees and flew as a payload
specialist on STS-116, the first mission with two African American crewmembers (including Robert Curbeam from yesterday).
Leland Devon Melvin has degrees in Chemistry and Materials Science Engineering and played football as a wide receiver at the University of Richmond and even “drafted” by the Detroit Lions in 1986 (Yes, kids you can be athletic and smart, too. Astronauts prove it regularly.), but repeated injuries killed that career. After working as an engineer at Langley Research Center, he was selected as an astronaut in 1998. Since joining NASA he has been co-manager of NASA’s Educator Astronaut Program, no doubt inspiring children and reminding them about why we need a space program. He flew as a mission specialist on STS-122 in 2008.

Stephanie Diana Wilson is the second African American woman to go into
space. She has a master’s degree in aerospace engineering. Before becoming an astronaut, she worked for Martin Marrietta and then Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the Galileo spacecraft. She was selected to be an astronaut in 1996 and has flown as a mission specialist on both STS-120 in 2007 and STS-121 in 2006, both ISS assembly missions. She is currently training to fly on STS-131 in 2010.
As can be readily seen, there’s a wealth of talent and intelligence here, as well as countless hours of hard work. And, in the end, that’s what you really need to be an astronaut.
Hi Steph, hope you're well! Had to look something up on my old blog and thought I'd pop over and say 'Hi'. - GumbyTheCat
Hey, Gumby!