Blogging Smartly

>> Friday, April 24, 2009

Wow, I got an award from Margie and Edna's Basement called the Smart Blogger Award. I'm thrilled. Now, normally, if I get an award, I'd say thanks but not do much with it. These things can get to be all you do on your blog if you're not careful. When I started Ask Me Anything, I figured I'd field all awards through there, but I'm really touched by this one.

Part of the reason why this touches me so much is that I try to blog smartly, try to put something on my blog that makes a visit worthwhile and worth reading. I try to keep it fresh, with something a little different than your standard fare. I'm sure I'm not always successful, but I try.

The thing is, though, that I can't pick just a handful of blogs to pass it on to (one reason why passing on awards is so challenging) mostly because all of the blogs I frequent fit in that category. Whether they're informative or amusing or thought provoking or snarky, the one trait that draws me back to a blog time and time again is smarts. It applies to everyone (I think) on my blog list. It applies to all the blogs listed on todayexiles list (and just the fact that so many truly smart and gifted bloggers were the ones axed sends its own message to me). It applies to a number of blogs I've been to lazy to update my bloglist with because I check 'em out via my EC favorites list.

There are stupid bloggers out there and people with nothing clever to say. Thing is, there are a bunch, a truly excellent group, of bloggers out there that use their brains and pass that along to the fortunate reader.

I'm honored to be counted among them.

Also, I'm going to be effectively out of pocket until Friday of next week. I'm going to try to have some posts available to post (for my helpful friends) and I will try to get do some work while I'm on travel next week. But that often goes awry so I'm telling you, if I don't respond to comments or comment on your blog while I'm gone, I will be doing my best to catch up when I return and, truthfully, I'm not entirely sure what you'll find on the blog this upcoming week.

But I will be back (so do come back!)


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