Just a Little Wicked releases today, and I'm in it!
>> Saturday, March 20, 2021
signed up for a bunch of anthologies where stories (as long as novella
length) will be bundled up with others. Some are for charity; some are
for profit. All are fun.
This is the first, a collection of
witchy tales for those of us who like to see the full gamut of witchy
wonders. Here's an excerpt my story, "Best Witch in Town":
Sylvia took another sip, grimaced, and slammed the cup back into the saucer. "You have to do something about that crazy cat. She knocked the card right out of my hand. My reading was ruined."
"Was it?"
"I did not tell him what he wanted to know. He needed reassurance."
May tsked. "Sometimes, you cannot give them what they want. They pay for truth."
Sylvia huffed and blew a perfect lock from her face. "What would they know about truth? You know nothing about business."
May's sunken lips twisted into a little smile. "True enough, Sylvia."
Sylvia stepped closer to a wavery mirror, ancient and made with blown glass, to admire herself. "This mirror is worthless."
May said nothing, though the ancient mirror was technically priceless and she'd been offered more than one fortune for it.
Pouting, Sylvia leaned on the counter and a huge black cat with tufted ears and long luxurious fur rubbed against her. She made a sound of disgust and pushed it away. "I don't know why you insist on filling my shop with all these fuzzy monsters when you know I'm—I'm –achoo!"
"You're not wearing the medicine bag I made you," May said, gathering up the huge cat in her arms and cooing to him.
"That pouch of herbs? I'm not wearing that. I told you. It's ugly and it smells funny."
May sighed. "And you needn't be mean to Beltane. He's the only one that likes you."
"More fool him." She glanced around the shop and nodded at the more obvious depleted stock, notably some soft cotton dresses in flowing fabrics imported from India, several nice silver jewelry pieces, and a statue of a dragon that had graced the entryway for nearly a year. May was already limping around the shop, pulling out additional dresses and jewelry from the cupboards behind the counter. "I see you sold that stupid dragon. I told you it would never sell. I can't believe someone bought it."
"You were right. I gave him to someone who needed him."
Sylvia shook her head with a tinkle of jewelry. "You gave it away? Who in the world needs a dragon statue?"
"Joe did. I knew someone would," May said placidly, hanging more of the dresses on the hangers.
"Whatever. I'm glad to be rid of the eyesore. This is the list of spells I was asked to cast. Write up the invoices after you restock. Did we sell anything expensive?"
May set down the box of jewelry and fished a notebook from behind the till. "A few things. I made a list," May said, handing her a notebook and taking the single sheet of paper Sylvia offered her. May looked over the list of spells and her skinny brows rose. "You didn't actually agree to a death hex? Spells like this have a karmic backlash that you can't just shrug off.".
"None of your business," Sylvia said. She looked over the notebook, snorted, and tossed it back. "Good thing I'm making money, or this place would go under in a week. And I heard you severely discount that necklace earlier."
"She needs it and only had enough to pay a hundred. She'll come back soon enough."
You can buy it right now for just 99 cents. http://smarturl.it/JustALittleWicked